
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2017


RANGKUMAN MATERI B.INGGRIS M.1-M.14 ALFATH LUTFI HUSAINI 10216544 1EA01 UNIT 1 SOME & ANY We can use  some  or any before plural or uncountable nouns. They all mean something similar to  a / an  before a singular noun. For example: Can I have  a  banana? [One banana, but any one is okay.] Can I have  some  bananas? [More than one banana, but any small group is okay.] Generally, we use  any  in the same way as  some : when we are thinking about a certain amount or number of something. Remember, usually both  some  and  any can only be used with plural countable nouns or uncountable nouns, but  not usually  with singular countable nouns. We usually use  some  with affirmative (positive) sentences and  any  with negatives and questions: She bought  some  tomatoes [positive sentence]. She didn'...